Classics (children's)


Showing 75 products

Острів Скарбів
Роберт Луїс Стівенсон

One of the most famous novels by the English writer Robert Louis Stevenson about the search for treasure hidden on a distant island by pirates. Young Jim Hawkins is the main character and narrator, who, after exciting and dangerous adventures...

Елеонор Портер

This book is a worldwide bestseller. It will make anyone who flips through its pages more compassionate, instilling optimism in the despairing. And can you play the miraculous game "for joy"? If not, after reading this book, you will definitely...

Colorful Classic. Peter Pan
Джеймс-Метью Баррі

The poetic retelling of James Barrie's fairy tale with rich artistic design is a wonderful opportunity to introduce the world of Peter Pan to the youngest readers. It is a story about the courage to be oneself and to resolutely...

Герберт Джордж Веллс

Herbert George Wells is honored in his homeland as the father of science fiction and is sometimes affectionately called simply H.G. In his youth, Wells received a solid education in the natural sciences and earned two degrees in biology. And...

Rasmus the Tramp
Астрід Ліндгрен

Rasmus, a ten-year-old orphan, dreams of a family. One day he decided to find parents for himself and ran away from the orphanage... The journeys were not easy. Fortunately, Rasmus met Oskar. This poor fellow is so cheerful and kind...

Брати Лев’яче Серце
Астрід Ліндгрен

The famous novella by the outstanding Swedish children's writer Astrid Lindgren "The Brothers Lionheart" holds a special place in her work. It is a touching story about the love of two brothers that knows no bounds. Ten-year-old Karl Lion is...

Forest song

The beautiful ancient forest in Volyn hides many secrets and mysteries. Amazing mythical creatures live here, nurturing their multifaceted, beautiful world full of passions and heartbreaking events. It is hidden from humans except those who possess true art magic. Mavka...

Anne of Avonlea
Люсі-Мод Монтгомері

Continuation of the novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery "Anne of Avonlea." The main character is sixteen, she has postponed her plans to enter university and has taken a job as a teacher at the Avonlea school. But besides a whole...

Усе про Карлсона, що живе на даху
Астрід Ліндгрен

The famous stories by Astrid Lindgren about Karlsson, who lives on the roof, and his faithful friend Little have long conquered the whole world with their unique plot, incredible and breathtaking events, sincere humor, and inexhaustible imagination. They have been...

Аліса в Країні Чудес
Льюїс Керролл

This book is a masterpiece of children's literature. Even during the author's lifetime, it was reissued more than thirty times. The characters of the book — the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the Cheshire Cat, and others — have become...

Полліанна дорослішає
Елеонор Портер

Now the fame of Pollyanna has spread far beyond Beldingsville — even in Boston, they are learning about the "glad game." There, they invite the girl to "heal" the soul of a grieving widow — Mrs. Carew. This time, Pollyanna...

Пітер Пен
Джеймс-Метью Баррі

The fairy tale by James Barrie "Peter Pan" is known and loved by children not only in Great Britain but also in Ukraine. While reading it, little ones will fly with Peter, the boy who doesn't want to grow up,...

Treasure Island. Robinson Crusoe
Роберт Луїс Стівенсон | Даніель Дефо

The fates of the heroes discussed in this book — the teenager Jim and the sailor Robinson Crusoe — are very similar. Amidst the wild nature, in the struggle against evil and cruelty, through hard work and faith in their...

The Last of the Mohicans
Фенімор Купер

The action of the novel takes place during the colonial wars in North America.Some Indian tribes have been almost completely destroyed. The beautiful Kora and Alice, Major Heyward, the brave hunter Hawkeye, and their valiant friends Chingachgook and Uncas must...

Treasure Island. Robinson Crusoe
Роберт Луїс Стівенсон | Даніель Дефо

The fates of the heroes discussed in this book — the teenager Jim and the sailor Robinson Crusoe — are very similar. Amidst the wild nature, in the struggle against evil and cruelty, through hard work and faith in their...

Редьярд Кіплінґ

Mowgli is one of the most beloved characters in world children's classics. The outstanding English writer, poet, and novelist Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936) wrote the book of the same name. Now this book is being released in your favorite series....

Міо, мій Міо
Астрід Ліндгрен

In one of the most famous novellas by the classic of Swedish and world literature Astrid Lindgren, the amazing adventures of a young hero — a boy named Mio — are told, about the eternal struggle between good and evil,...

Нові пригоди Карлсона, що живе на даху. Книга 3
Астрід Ліндгрен

"What is this mysterious and strange thing flying over Stockholm?" - asks the capital's newspaper. Little and I would know: it's our hero Karlsson, who lives on the roof! "The New Adventures of Karlsson, who Lives on the Roof" -...

Брати Ґрімм. Казки

Брати Якоб і Вільгельм Ґрімм є одними з найбільш відомих казкарів Європи. Понад 200 фольклорних творів, які вони записали під час експедицій та зробили їх літературну обробку, вже кілька століть залюбки читають діти всього світу. Хто з нас у дитинстві...

Red and black
Фредерік Стендаль

The novel "The Red and the Black" is one of the best works of the writer. The main character — Julien Sorel — entered world literature as an embodiment of rebellious, freedom-loving youth. He embarked on an independent life after...

The Story of Doctor Dolittle
Г'ю Лофтінґ

The favorite story about Doctor Dolittle, who loved helping animals the most, and one day began to understand their language. The doctor lives in a small town, treats people, but realizes that he has no satisfaction from such work at...

Notre-Dame Cathedral
Віктор Гюго

A classic work by Victor Hugo in an adaptive retelling by Tony Evans.

Аліса в Задзеркаллі
Льюїс Керролл

The new adventures of the beloved heroine are no less captivating than the already known ones. The Looking-Glass is an unusual land. "Like a giant chessboard," Alice says about it. And every move in this game is indeed an astonishing...

The Count of Monte Cristo. Volume 1

"The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas is one of the favorite novels of many generations of readers. This is a story about Edmond Dantes, a young man unjustly convicted and imprisoned in the castle of If. Having managed...


Classics (children's)

When a child is taught their native language from an early age, they grow up to be a conscious person and a true patriot. Especially if there is a classic of children's literature on the shelf of the home library. Literary classics help to form a good aesthetic taste, abstract thinking, and imagination. In modern conditions, when more and more of children's attention is drawn to gadgets from an early age, a good book becomes an alternative. It helps to resist the formation of so-called clip thinking – thinking in pictures rather than full-fledged plots.

Diversity of assortment – for you

When there are classics for children in the home, and a mother reads a fairy tale or an exciting story to her little one at night, wonderful thoughts about childhood are formed, which will become good memories in the future and support them on their life path. If you are interested in classic children's books, you can purchase them in our online store. We offer a classic of world literature for children, which is presented in a good assortment, so that all readers can choose what will correspond to the interests and genre preferences of their little ones.

The incredible adventures of a little boy who grew up in the wild will be revealed to readers in the book "Mowgli." "The Little Prince" will tell about dreams, humanity, and responsibility. "Alice in the Looking Glass" will unveil amazing plots with unexpected twists to young readers. And the book about the Little Boy and Carlson will entertain with a story about the wonderful friendship between a boy and a delightful and cheerful fairy-tale character who came to visit. And these are just a few examples of the books that are offered for your attention in the assortment of our online store.

"The creativity of literary classics – for your attention"

The classical direction of literature is what has been tested over the years. These are the books that have nurtured various generations of children around the world. Therefore, the positive impact of such literature is undeniable. You can select and purchase it at attractive prices from us. The books offered in the assortment reflect advantages such as:

  • Quality Ukrainian-language translation. Your child will be able to significantly enrich their vocabulary, which will contribute to their intellectual development and education.
  • Only recognized works of world children's literature that are in demand. These are books that teach goodness, friendship, mutual support, and open up to children an unexplored and interesting world of captivating adventures.
  • Visual appeal. With us, you will see books with wonderful illustrations that help little ones better imagine the plots revealed by the authors in their works.

"You will see classic books of various genres to choose the options that your children will like. This will provide an opportunity to successfully form your child's first home library and instill a love of reading in them." Choose books, fill your virtual cart with great purchases – and we will deliver your package for free from 80 euros.

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