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1 kiss seems to last a moment, but 1000 special kisses can last a lifetime. In the center of the plot of the book "A Thousand Memorable Kisses" by the author Tilly Cole is one boy and one girl, as...
Life story about brother Lucas and his sister Eleanor. Something heavy on his stomach prevents him from playing, laughing, sleeping. This is a lie. She is as big as an elephant! History instead of notations will show children why it...
David Moray's childhood and youth cannot be called happy... But now, in his mature years, he can enjoy a luxurious life in Switzerland, attend prestigious events in the highest circles of French society or opera premieres in Italy. He can...
The frog slept all winter and was now returning home - to the pond. Oh, who is this? A Pond Monster with long claws was looking at him from the water! Emotional text and atmospheric illustrations show children that some...
Our fears prevent us from living the most. They resemble tigers that growl menacingly and constantly remind: "Don't pry! You won't succeed!" And we get scared, stop, and even retreat, losing opportunities and going off the path that could lead...
Being a teenager is very difficult: the body throws out various problems that you can't do anything about, the mood jumps up and down, sometimes there are problems at school and quarrels with parents, it seems that only your best...
A cute book with stories about Little Fox. Cozy, like a hug. Each little fox will recognize itself and once again remember how much it is loved. As many as seven red-haired stories about something ordinary, but with extraordinary love,...
Spending no more than 20 minutes on one lesson, the child will acquire important knowledge and skills, master new skills. Regularly working with our book, the child will get to know with numbers and numbers, will learn to distinguish geometric...
Preschoolers will soon become first graders! And so that this event brings joy and pleasure from learning, we offer this guide for thorough preparation of preschoolers on the following topics: Mathematics and logic; Preparation for reading; Preparation for writing; Development...
New from Kira Kass, author of the popular Selection book series! "Love has a sound. It sounds like thousands of heartbeats happening at once.” Princess Annika has lived a comfortable life, but no amount of luxury can change the fact...
Welcome to the pages of the best children's publication! In the "Book of Tusi the Dog" of the "Uchucha" series, children are waiting for fun and interesting, and most importantly, various tasks from Tusi and her friends. English, reading, arithmetic...
Welcome to the pages of the best children's publication! In the "Book of Fedot the Raccoon" of the "Uchucha" series, fun and interesting, and most importantly, various tasks from the intelligent Fedot and his friends await children. English, reading, arithmetic...
Diamond Death strides past me, and the Grim Reaper is no match for me. I fell into the trap of monsters posing as men and impersonators. They won't be able to keep me inside forever. I don't recognize the person...
In the mid-1940s, red-lipped beauty Genevieve (Gigi) Parsons is being stalked by a stalker. However, such attention and mysteriousness of this man become pleasant to her and give her a living outlet, a breath of fresh air, the little joys...
Go to the village with Bode and Mysa! Visit Mr. Hleb's farm, Mrs. Eva's stable, and Mrs. Maryna's pottery. Watch how jam is made and bake a wonderful cake for the holiday. You will definitely not be bored! This part...
This book is addressed to anyone who helps children learn to be disciples. The school life of a young student is often not easy. The third edition of the popular guide is supplemented with advice for children and adults about...
The new book by child and family psychologist Svitlana Roiz is a game, training and psychotherapeutic practice at the same time. It will help the child and his parents to cope with anxiety before the start of school life. Adults...
All the women in the Linnie von Links family were famous: great-grandmother Emily was a Hollywood star, older sister Leslie was the first Gothic violinist. Even Frida's little sister became a fashion icon at the age of five! It's time...
The story "Klymko" and a number of stories included in this collection can rightly be called small masterpieces. From the pages of the book appear the bright boy Klimko, "burned" by the war, the trusting and defenseless student of the...
The beautiful ancient forest in Volyn hides many secrets and mysteries. Amazing mythical creatures live here, nurturing their multifaceted, beautiful world full of passions and heartbreaking events. It is hidden from humans except those who possess true art magic. Mavka...
We bring to your attention a new edition of the famous bestseller Vsevolod Nestaik.Light, cheerful, full of good humor, the book tells about the fun and exciting adventures of a bunny, a hedgehog and their classmates, students of a specialized...
Tom Butler-Bowdon, a world-renowned popularizer of science, collected the main ideas, concepts and methods of various areas of psychology under one cover. He narrated 50 books of the most prominent psychologists — from Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung to...
The first book in the series tells of the strange disappearance of a marquis, heir to an old duke. Everyone is talking about it everywhere, but finding it, as it turned out, is not so easy. The event is overgrown...