Natalia Budna
Showing 6 products
The manual contains 15 diagnostic cards for literary reading, the content of which corresponds to the State Standard of Primary Education and Typical Educational Programs, for the current assessment of the skills of 3rd-grade students to retell the read work...
The manual presents the content of lessons on the development of coherent speech in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard of Primary Education and the Typical Educational Programs. The proposed exercises will help the teacher organize the students'...
The content of the workbook corresponds to the State Standard of Primary Education and the Typical Educational Program developed under the guidance of O.Ya. Savchenko. The manual offers tasks and exercises for working on the texts of the textbook "Ukrainian...
The notebook is compiled in accordance with the State Standard of Primary Education, the Typical Educational Program developed under the guidance of O. Ya. Savchenko, and the textbook "Ukrainian Language. Grade 3" (Part 1) (authors M.S. Vashulenko, N.A. Vasylykivska, S.H....
The guide "Pokhodzhayko" has been compiled in accordance with the educational line "Child in the Natural Environment" of the Basic Component of Preschool Education. It contains interesting tasks, ecological exercises, riddles, crosswords, rebuses, as well as a calendar for observing...
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